
A day has passed
and I've seen much
and been much touched by the dedication
of those hoping to make a better space for all of us

I find myself saying 'hello' to every passerby
and being greeted back with warm 'good morn,'
a smile, or even if by bewildered look, I'm still left with a smile

I shared a piece of myself, oh one who spares
the nuances that make me tick
And not just pleasantries, but spits of who I aim
to be and have become
Yet among the lightly rustling leaves, on sunny streets,
in a city that so happily hugs me, swimmingly
she seeps into my mind
just for the fact of her proximity,
like she is closer to the forefront of my conscious state
and it knees me dully, head butts me wakingly
until I squash it out as negative fantasy voodoo,
silly sorcery that is made
only by me
and not the siren of fate and mystery
then I resume my walk and smile uncertainly

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